The Andersons

Hello all! This blog is an attempt to give the world - our friends, families, and neighbors a little glimpse into our life.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

More Brayden Picts

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Our Visit to Aspermont

Well, Brayden go to see where his old man grew up a couple of weekends ago. He may not remember it, but his grandparents sure will. Katy, Brayden and I went out to visit Aspermont and show off the little one.

We had a blowout on the way there. Fortunately I heard something going wrong before the tire went completely caput. There was a huge bulge on the inside sidewall of the tire, so I stopped to change it. The spare resembles the tire of a dirt bike I had when I was a kid. Within a matter of about 10 minutes we had three people stop and ask if we needed help. I changed the flat, but the tire needed to be aired up, so a good natured farmer drove back to his house and picked up his air tank and brough us some air. What a difference from the City.

We made it to the farm just fine, dropped the tire off (Ricky had found someone who would fix the tire, on a holiday weekend in a small town no less) and headed out to the ranch.

We went to church on Sunday and all Mom's friends ooed and aaahhhed over Brayden. Katy and I tried to go to the Drive in movies later that night, because I have been telling K for the longest that I would take her, and when we got there, it was closed for the weekend. Just figgures. Here are some picts:

The first vehicle I ever drove, the old Anderson homestead (my Dad was born in one of the rooms of the old house) and various other picts: