The Andersons

Hello all! This blog is an attempt to give the world - our friends, families, and neighbors a little glimpse into our life.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

2 Month Checkup

So, Zachary was 17lb 5.8oz, 24" at today's checkup. That is 100% for weight and 82% for height. I measured Zach and I think they didn't get his full height (I got an additional 1/2 inch), but regardless, he's a big boy!

We went to the pirate festival on Father's are our two boys.

Also, I finally caught a few smiles. Yeah!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


It's been a while. Zachary is doing better. He still has a lot of gas, but it seems to not be as painful. He has started smiling, which is adorable! When I try to take pictures of the smile he moves on before I can capture it. Hopefully soon!

Here's a few pics of our whale watching expedition...look at poor Zach in the life vest. Yikes! We had a great time though. We saw a lot of whales, birds, killer whales, and dolphins. My favorite part was the dolphins riding along with the boat. Unfortunately pictures don't capture the moments we experienced!