The Andersons

Hello all! This blog is an attempt to give the world - our friends, families, and neighbors a little glimpse into our life.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More things Brayden said

Setting: trying to get Brayden to go to sleep - I go in and lay down with him.

Me: You know I love you bud.
Brayden: And Mommy loves me and Baby Zachary loves me.....(now he turns from facing me and just looks up at the ceiling) .....Everybody loves me.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Things Brayden Says

I was having breakfast with Brayden and he looks at me and says "NO!" about something - I forget what. We have been trying to break him of this habit, so I take him to "time-out". Well, he cries and bangs on the door, and finally gets over his fit. I go in and talk to him. Here is the conversation:

Dad: "Why were you in time-out?"
Brayden: "Because you put me there."
Dad: "Daddy put you there because you disobeyed. You have to obey Daddy."
Brayden: "You're not God."
Dad: "No, but God says 'Honor your Father and your Mother'"
Brayden: "You're not my Father"
Dad: "O.K. your Daddy and your Mommy."

He knows he has lost the fight and puts his head down and into my side.

What will the boy say when he actually learns to read?