Brayden Sings
Here is one of Brayden's favorite songs - as he likes to sing it:
Tinkle Tinkle widle sar
ow I wuner wachu ar
usp abuda worsohi
wike a diamond ina si
Tikle Tinkle widle sar
ow I wunder wachu ar
Kinna makes you want to cry, doesn't it?
Tinkle Tinkle widle sar
ow I wuner wachu ar
usp abuda worsohi
wike a diamond ina si
Tikle Tinkle widle sar
ow I wunder wachu ar
Kinna makes you want to cry, doesn't it?
I may have to call and let Bboy sing it for me...Love ya'll, Mom and Gapga...
I love the Brak quote at the end! Almost as good as the sining I am sure! love yall, Merry Christmas!
oh Hey:
Everytime I leave a comment on your blog here, it sends me an email teling me that yall did not recieve the email telling yall that I left a comment... so yall might wnat to go into the settings and change your email address to something different than the hotmail tha tyou can get the notifications from the blog telling yall that someone left you a comment. hlpe that make sense... if not just email me or call.
So out of the whole song he got one word right and it's diamond? He is gunna be high maintenance.
And I thought he said:
Trinkle Trinkle liil sar
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