The Andersons

Hello all! This blog is an attempt to give the world - our friends, families, and neighbors a little glimpse into our life.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Baby Powder

So, Saturday we put Brayden down for his nap. His room was clean, books and toys put away, and he seemed like he'd settle down quickly. Brayden made some noise off an on for about an hour (which usually means all the toys and books come off the shelves as he plays by himself until he falls asleep). Just as I was starting my exercise video, Brayden came to the door (which he never does), so I decided to check on him. Here is what I was greeted with:


Blogger DGH said...

That is awesome! ha ha ha

12:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh the humanity!

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Rick was about that age he got on the bathroom counter and did the same thing except he took his Dads butch wax and added it to the mix. He was real quite so when I found him he had a good mess...looks like Bboy is acting like U.Rick, agan..ha ha..Love ya'll, Mom and Gapga

9:48 AM  

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